Cat & Dog Adoption Fast Facts
25% of pet dogs put to sleep in animal shelters are purebred.
Over 7 million pet dogs and cats are put to sleep each year due to overpopulation.
Adopting a dog or cat from a humane society, an animal shelter, an SPCA, or a dog rescue or cat rescue group saves a life!
This is something that is very important to me. There are so many animals right now without homes and sleeping in tiny cold cramped cage with a cement floor; forced to eat, poop and sleep all in the same tiny place. We adopted Goldie, a retreiver/chow mix in March of 2002, and then little Archie the end of October. I knew he was the one when I walked up to his cage and he looked up at me with those cute little eyes and wouldn't stop licking my hand. He is a dachsund/miniature pincher mix. He had a few issues at first, getting to know the rules, but he is a great dog. All the kids and Goldie just love him. Goldie is enormous compared to him, but they play constantly, and she is gentle with him. She has bad hips and needs to lose some weight, so Archie with all his energy is great to keep her in shape. He burrows under our covers and sleeps with DH and I all night. He washes my face when I get home from work. Make sure you keep your mouth closed or you will get dog-frenched. He was a lot more spendy than the other dogs for adoption, but definatley worth it for such a great dog.
Due to the economy and loss of homes and jobs there are too many abandoned pets. If they can't all be adopted they will be euthanized. Such a waste. If you have a loving home to share with a friend, please visit your local animal shelter. Your life will be much fuller because of it and you will save a life.
And please have your pets spayed and neutered. Another way to cut down on the overabundance of unwanted pets.