Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Mmmmm Homemade Tortillas
· 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
· 1 teaspoon salt
· 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
· 3/4 cup lukewarm milk (2% is fine)
Really good with homemade Lentil Chicken Veggie Soup. Yum!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Dan's Birthday
Now we just need to get headphones for his amp!
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Fun Video
When I was a kid my grandfather used to play his Allan Sherman records for me. I have great memories of he and I listening to his collection of record albums. Here's to memories.....
Talking about YouTube - Hail To Thee, Fat Person by Allan Sherman
By the way, why did our parents tell us that eating everything on our plate would help starving children?
Definately going to freeze the 'ol buns!
Which is funny, since my gas bill from Oct was $12.88 and Nov was $27.30. Only a difference of $14.42. Although my level pay went up to $56 a month. They claim it is supposed to go down in Jan. We will see.
Anyway, how does that work that I have gas heat and my electric goes up $29, but the gas only $14? WTF?
This coming week, is going to be a bit more of a challenge, here is the weather forcast for our area..........

Did I say B..B...B...B...BBBBRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate being cold. Although, it seems like DH is usually the one that turns on the heat over everyone else. And he's lived in Minnesota. My oldest daughter always complains and I just tell her to wear a sweater. Doesn't really like my answer much.
Curious to know how everyone else is doing so far this winter and how much you spend for heating your house in your neck of the woods.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Finally....... order of appearance.....Starting with the back row.
My lovely DH (with the creepy grin), Leila (Dan's girlfriend), my son, Dan (almost 17), my son Ryan (22) and my nephew (sister's son), Nick (13).
Second row...Haley(11) my brother's step daughter, my three...Laurel (14), Alexis(11) and Evan (7), my mom, my brother's step son, Jared (9)and my bro-in-law(sister's hubby) John.
Last's step son, David(7), brother's wife, Joanna, my brother,Arne, ME, and my Dad.
Missing are my sis and neice, whom we call Little Alexis, she's 4 and I guess my sister thought it would be too cold for her. And also, my brother's daughter(12) who lives with her mom in Pullman, WA. And my oldest son, Justin(23), his wife and my grandbaby, Isabelle(About 3 1/2 mo), they are all in New York, at Fort Drum where my son is stationed.
Hopefully that wasn't too confusing for Y'all.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Have a nice day...and please tip your server!
Due to my medical problems I need a job where I am constantly moving around and on my feet. No sitting behind a desk for me. So, my choice for employment is serving. So, forgive me for a moment whist I do a little biatching. I know the economy is bad and no one has any money, but I need to make a living a too, so please don't take it out on your server. If you don't have money to leave a tip, then you certainly don't have money to eat out, or at the very least go somewhere, where tipping is not required.
Unfortunatley, I live in a right-to-work state and tips are included as part of my income. When the national minimum wage went up, mine did not, and will not. I currently make $3.35 an hour and tips are supposed to make up the rest of my income. Out of my tips, I am required to tip out my bartender, my busser and food runner. The amount I tip out depends on a percentage of my total sales and the restaurant is assuming that I am at least making 15%. I also get taxed by the government the same way. If I don't get at least 15%, I am losing money to everyone I tip out and the government.
I try to give everyone excellent service, unless of course I am slammed out of my rear and , you, the patron, should take that into consideration. You should at least leave 15-20%, more for excellent service or a larger party or if you are extremely demanding or camping in my section. I understand that people like to sit and visit, but the more you stay at the table, the more money and I losing and you should tip accordingly.
I don't know what make people think it is okay to leave me less than 15% or absolutely nothing for excellent service. Are people ignorant, so stupid that they can't figure out 15% of their bill (most cell phones have tipping charts or at least a calculator in them now) or just plain rude? Combination of all three?
I really don't like having to rely on tips for my income, but until the nation decides to make all tipped staff make at LEAST minimum wage, that's not going to happen. And please don't tell me to get another job, with my medical problems that is currently out of the question.
So, next time you go out, please remember that most servers need tips to work their way through school, support a family, etc. And try to be a gracious guest and to treat your server the way you would like to be treated. Mean and rude people suck!!! Thank you for letting me rant a while.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Frugal vs. Green Living

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
If it's yellow, let it mellow.........

Have mentioned to DH that peeing on the compost bin is a great source of nitrogen, but so far he has yet to be receptive to this idea, although he has no problem when he is drinking beer out in the back yard peeing behind the trailer.
It also gets flushed when company is over due to the ick factor of other people. I remember when I was a kid and going to other people's houses that follow this rule and was totally grossed out when I used their bathroom. I also have an ick reaction to using a public restroom that hasn't been flushed, more so for #2, but still gross. I guess there is a difference between family pee and stranger pee.
One of my older boys does the dishes and I am trying to get him to fill up the small part of the sink with the garbage disposal and use that to rinse dishes before they go into the dishwasher instead of leaving the water running. Still haven't got him to follow this, but he is using colder water and not leaving it running so much. I also have the kids leave the water off when they brush their teeth and so far all of this has brought down the water bill $10. Want to get that figure even lower if I can.
One third of all fresh drinking water is used to flush the toilet. Depending on the age of your toilet, you can use approximately 1.6 (for a low-flow) to 4 gallons of water per flush.
Ways to save water in the bathroom:
1. If you don't have a low-flow toilet, put a plastic bottle or a plastic bag weighted with pebbles and filled with water in your toilet tank. Displacing water in this manner allows you to use less water with each flush. Saves 5 to 10 gallons a day. That's up to 300 gallons a month, even more for large families. Better yet, for even greater savings, replace your water-guzzling five to seven gallon a flush toilet with a one and a half gallon, ultra-low flush model.
2. If you're taking a shower, don't waste cold water while waiting for hot water to reach the shower head. Catch that water in a container to use on your outside plants or to flush your toilet. Saves 200 to 300 gallons a month.
3. Check toilet for leaks. Put dye tablets or food coloring into the tank. If color appears in the bowl without flushing, there's a leak that should be repaired. Saves 400 gallons a month
4. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Saves three gallons each day.
5. Turn off the water while shaving. Fill the bottom of the sink with a few inches of water to rinse your razor. Saves three gallons each day.
6. Put aerators on bathroom and kitchen faucets.