Found this report at Planet Green
The NRDC came out with a report on video game systems recently. Their findings were astounding. Did you know that video game systems consume 16 billion kilowatt-hours annually, about the same amount of electricity used to power San Diego for a year. More than 40 percent of homes have video game systems and many of those video game systems remain on all the time. Turn Off the Console When Not in Use By simply turning off the video game console, you can save gobs of energy. An Xbox or a Playstation 3 left on 24/7/365 uses as much energy as two modern fridges.
Buy a Wii The Wii uses only 16 watts of energy while in Active Mode. The Xbox uses 119 and the Playstation uses 150. If you're deciding on which system to buy and want to pick one with energy-efficiency in mind, the Wii may be for you.
Use the Power Saver Mode If you have a Playstation or Xbox, you can reduce the energy use of these consoles by digging around the menus and finding the auto-power down option. Playstation 3 didn't add this option until fall 2008.
Don't Watch Movies on Your Game System Watching a Blu-Ray movie on the Playstation 3 uses 5 times more power than watching it on a standard Blu-Ray player.
Dispose of Mangled Systems Properly If your system breaks or gets stepped on and cannot be repaired, never throw the system into the garbage. Most modern video game systems contain toxic chemicals, such as beryllium, bromine and phthalates. Make sure to dispose of it with other hazardous materials. Local used video game stores or fix-it shops may be able to take the broken machine off your hands and cannibalize materials from it.
Most video game companies are in the process of making their systems without or with less of these chemicals or have plans to do so.