Not really sure where to begin, but it seems to be an on-going full moon or something. So, I apologize for a bit of ranting, but I have been a little frustrated lately. First off, my brother had met this lady over the internet (already know where this is going right), hillbilly from Virginia-remember the Hatfields and McCoys-she's a McCoy. We are talking grade A hillbilly here, with 3 kids and my brother meets her in real life I'd say a total or like 3 times and then he marries her and moves her and the brood to Boise. Well, they are both on disability. My brother had gastric bypass surgery which almost killed him, had to have surgery on his legs and learn to re-walk. Finally out of wheel chair not too long before he meets her. She has some undiagnosed illness, which most docs think is mental illness, but finally finds a doctor that diagnoses her with MS (after Lord knows how many). She had stated that in her family the sicker you are the more attention you get. Anyway, her parents didn't disclose all her issues to my brother, because they were done being care-takers to her and her kids.
So, now into the real world, my brother ends up being housekeeper, care-giver of her kids (who haven't had much for parenting up until now) and her (she never gets out of bed). All while he is trying to work a part-time job and go to school. She is addicted to pain-killers, Marinol (a synthetic form of Marijuana), Methadone (her and her ex were addicted to heroin) and who knows what else. At a picnic we had this summer my brother had to wheel her up in his old wheelchair (couldn't walk) and she couldn't even talk and watching her eat was just disgusting, because she was so doped up. Anyway, with the temptation of the painkillers in the house and her wanting someone to get high with my brother became addicted to painkillers again (became addicted after his surgery, but had been off them for many years). They started having a lot of trouble and my parents intervened and agreed to help both of them get into recovery. If they didn't they would have to move-my parents owned the house they were renting and they didn't want to be renting to drug addicts, my brother had dropped out of school, got layed-off, lost his disability and the kids trashed the house, since there was little to no supervision. My brother agreed to treatment and asked his wife to get help, but she refused and that was his stipulation for saving their marriage. She went into detox and then to the mental health unit, but refused to treatment since she thought she only had a physical addiction, so she was asked to move and my brother asked for a divorce.
My parents were more than nice to her, they gave her back 2 months worth of rent, so she would have the money to find another place. They even offered to pay for plane tickets for her and her kids and to pay the moving costs of her things back to Virginia, but her parents didn't want her back. And to pay them back she kept my brothers things hostage and refused to give them to him. All my brother wanted was the things he came into the marriage with and let her have everything else, but she refused and even wanted to sell his family heirlooms on E-bay for the money. I think my brother was way nicer than he should have been, but even so, she pulled this? After she left, he finally got a few things back that she left in the house. The house was trashed and now my parents have to clean it and pay for repairs and they are missing out on several months worth of rent. She also abandoned one of her cats-out of three-in the house.
My parents always treated her kids as if they were their own grandkids, spent a lot of money on them buying them all new clothes, etc. and watched them while she was hospitalized. We even had the boys over the weekend and my DH had to clean up puke all night when one of the boys got sick. Half the house also walked away in the boy's stuff when they left. Joanna-if you are reading this we would like our movies back and whatever else walked away. Never got a thank you, either.
But, I guess the thing that irks me the most is that she is telling everyone on her blog about poor little her and telling everyone about how horrible my brother and my parents are and making up lies. She even stated that now my brother is now living FAT in my parent's million dollar house. My parent's house is May-be a $250,000 house, no where near a million-don't know where that came from. My parents are not well-off. And they were so awful that they kicked out a poor defenseless woman with MS with three children who had no-where to go. And she was hospitalized to adjust her medication-not mentioning anything about addiction or mental illness. All her readers think that she is just an inspiration for everything that she has been through. She even tries to say that my brother is an abuser because he grabbed one of the boys when he was trashing the house having a tantrum and that he told her to F-off over the phone when she wouldn't give him his stuff back. OMG, how abusive.
I am not trying to be degrading to her, but it just makes me angry that she is trying to make herself out to be some Saint and make everyone feel sorry for and they believe all this crap. I think she needs to tell the truth and maybe her readers will appreciate that instead of the garbage bag full of doodie she is feeding them full of.
Well, I think that is enough of ranting for today, part 2 tomorrow-my DIL. Bet y'all can't wait!