Toe has never completely healed. I still have pain (also pain on the incision site, too, weird) and still can't touch the floor with it. According to the doctor the X-rays look okay, but he thinks my tendons are too stiff and wants me to do a little physical therapy on myself. Am trying, but it does not really seem to help. I think he had the pin angled up too high and the bone healed that way, but what do I know-I am just the suffering patient. It also didn't help that my youngest daughter accidently slammed into it the other day (it was hiding under and blanket and sticking off the end of the couch. She felt so bad, she cried along with me.
Unfortunately, I gained about 20 pounds being off my foot for so long, so this week I have started back at the gym. I can't really run, but the recumbent bike, the elliptical machine and the weights are okay on my foot. Don't think I will be doing yoga again anytime soon, though.